
Vampire Yami Ch 11

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katerinaaqu's avatar

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For one more time night fell over Domino city. Just one lonely figure was sitting on the roof of a skyscraper in the city center…

Yami in deep though was staring at some clouds on the sky while a light breeze was shuffling his spiky hair, leaning his back against a block of flats' antenna. He was recalling what had happened a couple of minutes ago.


He opened the window and prepared to leave when Yugi walked in the room wearing his pajamas.
"Leaving now?"
"Yes. I'm going to find her. Probably she's hunting at the moment"
"But you have to sleep a little too. All the times you came here you haven't slept"
"I haven't slept since the day I became a vampire"
Yugi's jaw dropped to the floor.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"But…you're a vampire almost a week! And you haven't slept…not even a minute?!"
"Not at all"
"You are not exhausted yet?!"
"I'm not even tired at the moment"
Yugi couldn't believe in his ears. Then he remembered what had happened during breakfast and added,
"Let me guess, you haven't even eaten anything since then"
"Not a bite"
"Yami! That's not natural!"
Yami turned and looked at his brother like he was a fool.
"Yugi, at the moment I jump from building to building, I posses great power, my senses are increased. I can feel your blood running, I have long fangs and red eyes. I get mad when I smell blood and I can smell it from kilometers away and…oh, omission, I bite humans and drink their blood. No, I don't think that the word 'natural' describes me most!"
Yugi lowered his gaze. He had to admit that that was a far too stupid remark! Yami smiled slightly.
"There are many questions" he said, "I'll try to answer them all"
He climbed to the window.
"Be careful, okay?" Yugi said
"I will be"

End of flashback:

"Ah, Yugi!" he monologized "If only you could understand!"
And he leaped away…
After a little he arrived to that allay where he had seen Tea for the first time.
"It was here!" he thought.
His eye caught some dirt on the ground that had a red shade. He took some with his finger and lifted it to his nose.
"Blood…" he whispered.
Vaguely the image of the vampire dripping a drop before him came to his mind. For a second he felt his need for blood. He immediately shook his head. A bit further he found some more blood. He sniffed that dirt as well.
"This is mine…" he murmured as he remembered the vampires shredding his body.
He stood up and started sniffing the air. Her smell faintly reached his nose. His mind flooded with images of her while she was fighting. One drop had run on her cheek.
"Sweat…" he said
He kept smelling that particular part till he was sure
"Anzu…" and he gave a strong leap in the air while following her smell.

Tea was standing on a building's roof and was enjoying the night breeze when someone landed behind her. She smiled.
"I told you that we would meet again" she said without turning around to look cause she knew who it was.
"How did you manage to find me?"
"I could never forget your smell. I just followed it and I found you"
"Impressive…for a Newly Born one…"
Yami took a step closer to her.
"We need to talk"
"Of course. I'll be glad to help you"
"That's why I'm here. I need your help"
"Of course you do" she smiled
"My situation is really ironic. I am a vampire and I don't know almost anything about them!"
"I have no idea what's happening to me. I don't eat, I don't sleep and the only thing I think is…blood"
Tea turned around and looked at him.
"What would you like to know?"
A smile formed on Yami's lips

"Very well then!" Tea said and clasped her hands together
"Lets start from the beginning: Myth and reality, two things we shouldn't mix up. For example vampires can live in the daylight. We don't sparkle and we don't catch fire by the sunlight. Although some vampires are used to the darkness and maybe the strong sunlight influence their eyes for a little but they get over it almost immediately. Secondly yes, we do have a soul and no, it's not coursed. All these stories that want us tools of darkness, that we have given our soul to the Devil to gain immortality, that we can't see ourselves in the mirror are all nonsense. You sure have noticed that you have a reflection."
"Good. Moreover some people claim that we have hollow fangs! Oh, please! Then they would break immediately when we bite a slightly thicker neck! They are more solid than granite!" she stated and ticked one of her fangs with her nail.
Yami unwillingly smirked. He had to admit that she was cute.
"However" she continued, "vampires are immortal and therefore ageless. To be accurate we remain the same age we had when we firstly turned into vampires"
"Oh, great…you mean that I will stay for all eternity between seventeen and eighteen years old?"
Tea leaned forward and sniffed him.
"Eighteen" she said, "Definitely eighteen"
"How did you realize that?"
Tea smiled and pointed to her nose
"Ah, great" he said with a slight sarcasm, "at least something is sure about me!"
"What do you mean?"
"Better leave it!"
"How much do you make me?"
Yami raised a brow.
"You're kidding me!"
"No. Try to guess"
Yami sighed and leaned forward as well, smelling her. Her smell seemed so sweet to him! In the back of his mind his instinct worked again and gave him the answer.
"Seventeen…" he said
"To be accurate seventeen and a half"
Tea crossed her hands on her chest
"Ah, very well! I'm speechless!"
"Did I guess right?" he asked with a grin.
She smiled to him as well and her cheeks took one slight, rosy shade. She had to admit that he was handsome when he was smiling. Then she remembered what she was saying and continued.
"So vampires can't die by natural occasions. You can kill them though"
"Why you ask?"
"I just need to know"
"Well the most traditional way is to stab their heart, cut their head and then burn them. All the others that you might have heard about crosses, holly water, prays and garlic are also lies. It's just really annoying sprinkling you while saying 'to away and beyond' and stuff. As for garlic, just vampires have very sensitive smell and we try to avoid whatever has strong smell –especially when that stinks, anyway- even though there are not few the vampires that not only eat it, but they also love it."
Yami took advantage of the silence that followed to focus on her knife. She noticed that.
"Your knife…It was enough to kill those vampires without all these stages… 'A weapon of the Hunters'… What did he mean?"
Tea drew out her knife and left moonlight run over its blade.
"Vampire Hunters…" she whispered
"There are Vampire Hunters out there?!" Yami exclaimed
"Yes there are. My uncle was a Hunter"
"Your uncle?"
"Yes. He gave me the knife as a gift to protect me"
She laughed faintly while saying,
"He totally freaked out when he found out that I was a vampire."
She bluntly got serious.
"And he abandoned us. I've never seen him again till the day he died"
Yami looked at her speechless while she was putting the knife back in its sheath. He swallowed hard and asked,
"How did he…die?"
"A vampire…killed him…a Fallen one."
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright. He had left me alone through all those years, so I left him alone too. His death meant nothing to me."
"You seem pretty calm with matters of life and death"
"I should be. I'm a vampire. With those two meanings I live"
"Because we are murderers…"
"You're wrong! That's life. Sun grows the plants, the vegetarian animals eat them, the carnivores eat the vegetarian, humans eat the carnivores and vampires drink humans' blood. You see? We are part of alimentary chain. Neither Vampire Hunters are murderers. They just believe that they are releasing the world by a threat and maybe they're right. They have created powerful weapons especially for vampires. They don't need to follow all the steps. A fatal strike by a Hunters' weapon and the vampire is dead. In Fallen ones' case death is relieving. All of us are links of the Chain of Life"
"Links…" Yami repeated.
Tea nodded.
"You are not a killer Yami and the fact that you are only feeding off with blood and you don't sleep is because you're still a Newly Born one. Soon you will be able and to eat and to sleep if you want to"
A bitter smile appeared on Yami's face
"I didn't know that vampires could sleep"
"We don't need to but we can and not necessarily into coffins. We sleep wherever we feel comfortable. Just some patience is needed. You just have to learn…"
"To learn?!" Yami busted out "What's the point if till then so many innocent lives will get lost!"
"Yami I completely understand but…"
"No, you can't understand! My brother's life is hanging by a single fiber every day!"
"I understand because I had a brother too!"
Yami's explosion was cut at once. Tea's eyes started to water.
"Yes Yami. I had also a little brother. He was everything to me!"
Yami gulped again.
"What…what happened to him?"
"He died"
And then remembered to add,
She sniffed her nose and wiped her forming tears.
"Just before he died he asked me to drink his blood. I still remember his last words. 'Drink my blood so one part of me will be always with you'"
"And what did you do?"
"I drank"
She let out a deep sigh and continued.
"While I was drinking I heard his voice in my head 'I love you' and then he died. He was only ten years old"
"Anzu I…" but Tea didn't let him continue.
"I sensed his feelings while drinking his blood, which is another vampires' power among the others."
Yami was for one more time out of words. That exactly had happened to him and he didn't know what it was. Tea smiled bitterly.
"It's really torturing feeling your victims' feelings! It took me years to get used to it!"
She drew a deep breath and then changed all of the sudden. Now the tone of her voice was completely natural.
"Vampires possess lots of powers. Great speed, power, strength, sharpen senses. Although all this diverse from vampire to vampire. For example there are vampires that are faster or more powerful than others. Vampires are so unique among each other as humans."
"Can we fly too?" Yami asked glad she had chosen to change subject.
"Even though we usually simply jump to long distances, we can. It just requires lots of energy and experience."
"I see."
"Moreover we have the ability to turn our victims into vampires"
Yami's eyes widened as he remembered Yugi.
"Don't worry. This happens only in our own will"
Yami sighed in relief.
"Some vampires allocate very special powers. We call them Rare ones."
Yami gave her a confused look.
"What do you mean?"
"For example someone might can read the others' thoughts or lift things with just one thought. Every single of this powers is unique."
"Something like super powers you mean?"
"We prefer to call them Abilities"
"I guess that since you told me that Ancient ones are extremely rare, then it would be even more rare to allocate and…Abilities"
"Indeed. So rare and legendary that we haven't seen it yet"
They remained silent for a couple of minutes.
"What about you?" she then asked him
"I don't know where my family is"
Tea looked at him strangely.
"I'm adopted. Yugi's not my real brother but I feel him like a real brother."
"I see…Then your real family…?"
"I don't know. I don't remember them"
"I got it. You were too young when you lost them"
"Maybe…maybe not…"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't have memories of my past, Anzu. I just remember that I woke up in a forest…people were leaning above my head and they were talking to me. They were calling me to come to. But when they asked me who I was or where I came from I couldn't answer them. They told me that I was almost naked and the only cloth I was wearing was so old that was ready to turn into dust. They threw a cloth on me and leaded me to the Asylum. On the way I got into a car. It was the first time I had ever seen something like that. I didn't want to get in. The others pushed me in by force believing that it was natural for me to get in there. All those things scared me and at the same time alluring me"
"What kind of things?"
"All this technology…"
"Wait a minute! You didn't know what technology was?"
Yami shook his head.
"I had never seen them before."
He ignored Tea's questionable expression and went on.
"When they took me to the Asylum they put me in a big room with others the same age with me. There I got locked into my silence. And then I met Yugi. I had never seen someone so look alike to me! He seemed like my true brother. So pure…so sweet…Then that vampire came and ruined my life"
"Yes. I know. The First Night. Your hunger is huge. I had to kill one girl to satisfy it"
"One girl?! Not even when I drank the blood of two people I wasn't gorged like…"
"Like you weren't fed for years you mean?!"
Tea remained silent.
"I don't understand" Yami said "You are a vampire too. You haunt as well. Why never was heard anything?"
"I usually drink the blood from animals. Some other times I drink the blood of humans that deserve to die."
"Which means…"
"When you learn to control better yourself you get something like sixth sense. You bite humans that are desperate and wish to die or criminals who don't deserve to live. Some other times I drink the blood of other vampires"
When he saw Yami's face she explained.
"Sometimes is better like this. Vampires can't die from blood loss so quite often we find the satisfaction by drinking each other's blood. If you want you can come too."
"To our brotherhood"
"No, thank you!"
"Fine but remember that our door will always remain open to you. Here." And she handed him a piece of paper with the address.
"Here you will find us"
Yami realized that he had nothing to lose and took the paper. They stood there for a little while gazing at the city. Then Tea put her hand in her pocket and drew out another little bottle. Yami looked at it.
"I thought you would find me so I brought you some more."
Yami held the bottle into his palm.
"Are you sure is suitable for all vampires?"
"Of course. It's a drink that is drunk by all vampires, especially Newly Born ones. Why you ask?"
"No reason." He said hanging it on his belt.
Then he turned to live.
"Take care of your brother Yami. He needs you." Tea said.
"I will." said Yami without turning to face her.
"Thank you for your advice and generally…for everything" he whispered
He leaped away and gone…
Yami and Tea unlocked some things about themselves.
Yeah Tea had a little brother in this fic and her uncle was a Vampire Hunter!

For those who don't know Salmonella is a disease that you usually get influenced by when you eat dairy products not properly pasteurized and since Tea lived 300 years before it was a rather common thing (there were no dairy products' factories as you know) I think that symptoms are very hight feaver and stuff...but I'm not sure

Yami learned some things about vampires....
What's next?
And who's the other vampire?
Wait n' see!!!

Please write your far too precious comments!!!
© 2012 - 2024 katerinaaqu
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Ientina1234's avatar
WOah!!!! Hey , btw ,I know a other Ability . If Yugi is hurt (Let's take Yugi like a example)  , but if is very worse , Yami can cut himself (to have his blood) and then, Yami can put his blood on Yugi's scar (or whatever is) and then the scar disappear (and that means Yugi is better after what Yami did) . I hope this helps you :) And I hope you understood :) 
And everything was so AMAZING!!!!! Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap